We use a system called donorbox to process donations made to the Garden Tomb. If you choose to make a monthly recurring donation then donorbox offers you the ability to create an account where you can manage your donation plan. This can be done at any time in the future and is only necessary if you want to make changes to your plan. Once you have set up your account you can log into donorbox and perform some of the following tasks:

  • Change your credit card details (e.g. add a new credit card)
  • Change your existing credit card expiry date
  • Change the monthly amount
  • Change the date on which the payment is taken
  • Pause your plan
  • Cancel your plan altogether.

The process to set up your account is straightforward but not entirely obvious. Hopefully the steps below will help.

  1. When you setup your monthly donation you will receive two emails. One is a thank you email from the Garden Tomb and the other is an email entitled “Set Up Your Account to Manage Recurring Donation for The Garden Tomb (Jerusalem) Association”. In this email there is a line similar to “Please set up the login for your account by Clicking Here.”
  2. Clicking on the link will take you to the donorbox website. Click on the “Donor Login” option at the top of the screen and select “Forgot Password”. If you have problems with this step then use this link instead ttps://donorbox.org/user_password_reset/new
  3. You should now be at the donorbox screen “Reset Donor Account Password”. Simply enter the email address you used to make your donation and click “Send Email”.
  4. You should receive an email from donorbox. That email contains a link to “choose a new password”. Click on that link and follow the instructions.
  5. You should now be logged into donorbox. To access your account in the future simply go to the donorbox homepage, choose “Donor Login” and enter your email and password.